Monday, February 14, 2011

My month with Ree-Day 4

When I was pregnant with Sawyer I craved two things: 1. Cantaloupe. I would eat a cantaloupe a day. Seriously. I have many a people who can attest to this, including a destination wedding party that not only saw me travel with cantaloupe, but also eat it through out the day:) Cody would feed me it at night before bed (I know, gross, mushly love stuff, but at this point in the marriage, that is what the mushy love stuff consisted of). Cohen and him had planted cantaloupe in our garden, so it was nice having access to cantaloupe and Cohen loved that I craved something he grew. LOVED CANTALOUPE!

2. Onion strings. I know odd. I had always liked onion rings (more of the breading though) and onion blossoms-douced in ketchup of course, but I was not a big fan of onions. Didn't cook with them too often, NEVER ate them on a hamburger, rarely bought them. Then as cliche as it sounds, one glorious day at Cheeseburgers in Paradise in KC, it was as if the heavens opened and I was introduced this tiny tiny creation AND it was love at first sight. Our good friends the Geyers and my best friend Mika, witnessed this blessed event. I am sure they thought I was crazy. Maybe over-reacting, but I loved them (the stings--well our friends too I guess;). From that day on, I would talk about them. Think about them. Dream of when we could meet again! I would send Cody to our steak house in town to get an onion blossom to try to suffice, but it didn't compare. There was something so delish about the tiny tiny string. Then a burger place opened a few miles from our house, SMASH burger, and they also had onion strings! I quickly became obsessed with that place too. Ask Mika, I took her there too:) Well i had Sawyer at this point, but I still loved the onion strings and as luck would have it, another place a few miles down the road from me had onion strings, and they were fabulous, close, and cheap! Like $1.70 for a huge plates worth:) Amazing.

Well with this pregnancy, I crave many a things (namely pancakes the most though), but when i came across Ree's onion strings, I just had to try them. So I did:) I even sent my dad a picture on my phone because he too was victim to craving runs so he knew all about the onion string craze. I rarely have buttermilk on hand, mostly because I know that you can just add 2 tbsp of lemon juice to milk and let it set and get the same effect, but I think that was the only thing I did different. They were fabulous. The onion made a ton, but I couldn't stop eating them so the picture doesn't look like that many. And then because I was eating so many, I decided not to finish the batch because I knew I would probably just make myself sick. I will definitely be making them again though with their tiny tiny goodness:)

get the ketchup ready!! Momma's coming!

Onion Strings
Grade- A+

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