Monday, February 21, 2011

My month with Ree- Day 11

I have always been one of those predictable Type A people. I have no less than 5 lists at one time. I have three different calendars and plans for everything. All of these can be blogged about another time though! One of those predictable patterns deals with Italian food, just ask Cody James! EVERY TIME he takes me to an Italian restaurant, I get the same thing, lasagna. I enjoy lasagna--well basic lasagna. Meat and cheese lasagna. I tell ya what I am not a fan of, spaghetti! I have disliked that since I was a wee one and I have never made it in our home. Even when my mom bought all the stuff for me because the kiddos and Cody like spaghetti, I still did not make it! (sorry mom). I like chicken spaghetti (yes I know Ree has a recipe for that too). But something about spaghetti drives me bonkers. Which is why some people are so fascinated by the fact that I LOVE lasagna. I often get, "aren't they similar?" "They are practically the same." but no, no they are not. Lasagna is a fine selection of ingredients that blend well together. It is a strategic dish. There are layers involved-steps. Totally perfect for a type A. Spaghetti, that is noodles with meat sauce thrown on top. Lasagna is so much more sophisticated!

One thing I dislike about some lasagna is the lack of meat and cheese, sometime the tomatoes try to overtake the dish. Well this did so not happen with "the best lasagna.ever." I could tell when I read the recipe that I would not be disappointed and I was right. I even used two of the meats in the freezer from the initial mission at hand, so that was an added bonus. Let me tell ya folks, this was Little Italy type lasagna. The kind where you wished you were in Rome, sipping some wine, listening to some large lady sing in the background. I say that like I have been to Rome, which I have indeed not. I have, however, been to Little Italy in NY twice, and I can attest to that claim. The other super bonus about this dish was that because it was so filling, it lasted in our home for a couple of days, which makes me very happy, because the last couple of days have been chaotic!! Ree said that it freezes nicely too, so before baby #4 comes, I will add this to my freezer cooking day and stock up. DELICIOUS!!

This was before I actually baked it--thought I'd take a picture....

This was after I baked it---looks quite the same, lol.

My fellow "masagna" lovers LOVED IT!!!

Extra cheesy!

This is more like how a princess eats:)

Little man was mostly fed by me, but he is becoming more adamant about feeding himself with the fork so I took a picture:)

The Best Lasagna. Ever.

Grade A+

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