Monday, March 23, 2009

Home grown memories

So last year, Cody decided now that we have our very own home, he was going to bring some of his childhood memories to life and plant a garden. He was at one time state qualifier in planting something... I think gladiolas....I really don't know how to spell that and I really wasn't paying a lot of attention to the story to find out:) Anyways, he decided he was going to get him and Cohen a little project. Well this is where I would post a picture of last years produce.....except there wasn't any. It went better in Cody's head than it did in real life. Luckily, his mom had brought us some plants so Cohen got some of the experience and how it was supposed to be.

Nevertheless though, Cody is bound and determined again to plant some more stuff and they were off to a great start. Cohen is very good about watering them, and putting them in the sun, taking pictures of them with his digital camera, and even reading to them:) INSIDE the house we were growing watermelon, cantelope, sunflowers, jalapenos, tomatoes, dahlilas, okra.... I think that is it. Anyway, they were getting too big so we had to move them or whatever that technical term is...ah yes replant them. I will keep you posted on how the crop turns out this year:) We are already off to a better start!

Taking a break for a picture together (this is them planting me some flowers in my Southern Living at Home pretties. the fruit and veggies are in big tubs....)

A date with bagels....not to be confused with spangles:)

The kiddos and I had to take Cody to work for a couple of days and on our final day we stopped at Panera! The kids were kind of disappointed at first b/c they thought I said Spangles and they really like french toast sticks from there. They got happier though once they walked inside. Anyway, I LOVE Panera and if we lived close to one, that would be a major weakness of mine. I know a ton of women who LOVE Sonic Dt. Coke, that would be nothing compared to me and cinnamon crunch bagels:) Nothing too fancy, just a little fun breakfast with the kiddos. We don't actually make it out of the house too often in time for breakfast:) On a side note, Cohen ate two whole cinammon crunch bagels by himself. His appetite is becoming a worry for my grocery budget! LOL

Fun at the Zoo--with ALL of Wichita

It was St. Patty's day and we went to the zoo. It was also Spring break and really nice so all of Wichita was there. There was a 20 minute wait to get in if you were not a member (Thank you Baby Jesus for our membership). We met one of our neighbors there...The Hungates and had a blast with them. We love that family and my kiddos cling to them so nicely. We had a fun day!!

Cohen lives for his zoo key!

So we have taken our pictures next to statues before....apparently I missed the memo that Cohen must do it with every statue, every time. (Note...we skipped some of the zoo, that is why some of the statues are missing:)

We ran into our other neighbors there too..imagine that:) This is a picture of the whole crew from Cheyenne Court. Baby Ethan stayed in his carrier but he was there too. We have the coolest cul-de-sac in Kansas!

Movin' on up.

This is the story of Miayla's first night in her big girl bed. Really it was past time, beyond past time, beyond beyond past time for us to convert it...the fear of letting her fun free was just too scary for us. We often refer to her as our little monkey and she needed contained abit longer than most kiddos:) And although we worried about her getting out of bed before we were ready, she didn't! Three weeks later she still sits there until someone comes and gets her....or someone joins her (cohen).

Cohen was trying to help Miayla get excited about her new bed. He showed her how to lay in it and shared with her the story of courage and Teddy Roosevelt and how he braved "mooses" with the bear his mommy made him. And how the bears they made at Build a Bear workshop would keep them safe:) He is so good to her.

Such a sweet little girl in her bed with her pillow, bear, and thumb. I think she tuckered herself out by jumping on it for 15 minutes :)

You just think I am going to stay on here....jokes on you!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Story of Us

Here is the story of how Cody and I came to be (well the short version). It is amazing to think that two people who grew up worlds apart would one day realize that the other one was their entire world. Hopefully if you don't know us and our story, this will get you caught up.

Cody was born on June 24th and grew up in Norwich, Kansas on the farm. I was born on November 25th and grew up in Wichita, Kansas.

He knew early on that he would always have a love for making money (he is holding steaks in one hand and a calf in the other;)

... and I knew I would always love cake:)

Cody went to Norwich high school and received the Jabara Scholarship at WSU for a full four years of college. I graduated from Bishop Carroll and I didn't receive squat....I didn't apply for squat either:) The only thing I knew, was that I was too close to my family to go too far away...I still am that way.

That is where our paths crossed.....

We met the first day of school at Wichita State University in Algebra class in August 2002. The teacher told us to introduce ourselves to each other, so we did. He thought I was cute and I honestly thought he was dressed funny and needed my fashion advice. We quickly became inseperable.

This is our first picture as a couple:) We were at a Sig ep soccer game and I had my lucky sweatshirt on, yay me!

We were having fun (maybe a little too much fun) and enjoying our college experience. We were together everyday and night and he made my heart smile. Then we had an "unexpected blessing"--well nine months later....

We are about to have a baby. The smiles are covering the massive amount of fear and the unknown...and Cody has no idea what is about to hit him:)

Cohen David was born on July 22nd, 2004. He was born at 1:37 am and is still an early bird. We really had no idea what to expect, but it all went very well. Labor and delivery were great and the whole experience was amazing. I know I am a freak for loving the process of delivering a child, but I can't help it!

This is the first picture of us as a family :) I wish I would of thought more about the fact that lots of pictures were going to be taken...i learned my lesson.

Cody and I got married on October 22nd, 2005. I graduated in December of 2005 and Cody graduated in May of 2006. He would start the masters program the next semester--he loves school.

We were a very happy little family. We had no clue what was ahead of us, but we knew that together we could get through it

Then on July 16th, 2006, God blessed us with our second bundle of joy, a little girl named Miayla Renee. (you pronounce it me-a-la...we made it up;) ) Cohen was overjoyed about having a little sister....actually he was really excited about the balloon, which is ironic because when my brother was born, that is all I cared about too.

We could not believe we had a little girl!!! I still can't at times...maybe because she doesn't act like one. I think she is my ENTIRE life's stubborness in one little bundle. She is a major daddy's girl, which I secretly love. I was a daddy's girl...she will be spoiled:) Mia is probably one of the funniest people I know, she truly cracks me up.

We built a house outside of Wichita a little over a year and a half ago and we love it here. The house is definitly a HOME. There is so much cooking and cuddling here, I LOVE IT!

Life has many ups and downs, but we are ready for them!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Family Festivities

Today was a day FULL of family and all the love that surrounds them. I am fortunate enough to come from a great family and to have married into one. The first "family" event of the day was Sunday Mass....nothing out of the ordinary, but extra special on this Sunday for some reason. Maybe it was b/c I knew Cody was leaving for Minnesota later in the day and I just wanted to take him all in. Maybe it was at one point in Mass BOTH kids were sitting on his lap (not mine) and it allowed me to FINALLY take in where I was at as well as what I have been blessed with. I looked over at them and just a true sense of peace and joy came over me. The next event was family dinner. This happens the third Sunday of every month and is rotating between my mom and her sisters. It is always a great time and I truly look forward to it. There are so many laughs and just a deep sense of belonging. These are the women I admire and the mothers I look up to. If you ask me, family dinner does not come soon enough each month. Then we were off to Norwich for a birthday party. Cody's family is very down to earth and welcoming. Although it was just another birthday party (we have lots..it is a BIG family with lots of kiddos), it was the normal everyday stuff that sticks out. How everyone helps each other without really having to speak and how you get that big family feeling just being there--you know the kind in movies, at holidays, except it wasn't a holiday. I was surrounded with lots of laughter today and my kids are very lucky to have both sides that love them tremendously. I have been trying to slow down in life and take more in. And to top it all off, my little brother Anthony went to my house before I got back and walked through it to check for bad guys:) I am a BIG whimp and freak out whenever cody is out of town. T (anthony) is one of my best friends and I would be lost if anything ever happened to him. He showed me to what extent he would go for me...well him and Cohen's Driver--golf club:) Today I stepped back and looked at what was around me and who I could lean on if anything ever happened. Who would help no questions asked? Luckily, I found a lot!