Thursday, February 3, 2011

Love them....

So I have one kiddo in the bath tub, one asleep on the couch, and the other one at "uella and papa's house.".... I have a ton of dishes to do, laundry to put away, a basement to clean, a ton of other things to blog about, but I wanted to blog for a minute on my family. I love my family. They mean the world to me. There is unconditional love there and I feel so blessed.

the last few days/ weeks at the Ayres household have been more chaotic than usual. It started with Sawyer not feeling well on January 11th and I took him to the doctor. He said he had a viral infection, give it a couple days, he'll be fine....since then he has had double ear infections and viral pneumonia. Then on January 13th, I took Miayla to the doctor bc she woke up with a fever and a cough. He told me she had croup, give it a bit, and she should be fine. Since then her croup has turned into pneumonia. She has been back to the doctor twice, one of those times ending in mono testing, strep testing, blood work, and two shots. She is feeling better today, but it was all very scary. (her diagnosis showed pneumonia). Then we have Cohen. Cohen first went to the doctor last Monday, the 24th, with a high fever and a sore throat. He had strep. Today was his last day of antibiotic and he woke up at 2:26 a.m. with 103.7 temp and a bad headache. The day ended with a trip to the ER, a febrile seizure, and a follow up tomorrow with the doctor regarding a CAT scan since the little man already has a bad history of migraines.. .. So here we are. Waiting. Praying. Crying. I think I would also add going crazy to that list if it wasn't for family and friends. Their prayers have helped us through this difficult time and will continue to help us until we are all better:) There are two individuals who have helped immensely, my brother and my father. This entry is about them.

My dad and I see each other about everyday....5 out of 7, but sometimes we see each other lots of times in one day:) He helps out in various ways, but he is a champ at getting Cohen from school. Cohen loves riding in papa's truck. This week he brought us donuts, pedialyte, and just stopped by to check on us. Today though, he went above and beyond yet again. Since I am pregnant, I cannot lift Cohen. After his seizure, I knew there was no way I could get him to the emergency room alone. I called Cody and he said he would meet me there. EXCEPT he didn't.... the kiddos and I were getting out of the car at the ER and he called me, informing me that he had a flat tire 2 BLOCKS AWAY! So we detoured and went to get him. There he was, in his suit, in the snow...walking toward us, just to get closer. After all the testing, we knew there was no time to get his truck so he drove us home and took my car and a change of clothes for after his 2 pm meeting...EXCEPT he didn't need them. While Cody and I were running in and out of places, taking care of kiddos, going to meetings, dad took care of Cody's tire AND found someone else to assist and they brought it home to us. Cody never touched the tire. Dad even called to remind me to close the garage, even though he told me 3 times while he was here, he knew I would forget. LOVE HIM.

Now Anthony. Anthony is my favorite brother. He brings me soooooooooooooooo much joy. He is so witty and so sweet and so "him" that it's impossible not to love him. Does he drive me crazy? yes. Does he call me multiple times a day just to see what I am doing or to see what the kids are doing especially his buddy, "baby Sawyers."? yes. Does he tell stories that at the end you are wondering what just happened and think "is that the whole story?" yes. Would I change any of it? NO. Would I take a bullet for the kid? you betcha. Do I love him more than he'll ever know. YES. Tony helps out all the time. I try not to take advantage of him, but the kids love him and I love his presence, so it is hard not to. Since Cohen, I really have tried to not ask him to do so much. I know none of this is his responsibility, but he is great with the kids and I know I can count on him. When cody is out of town, he stays with us. (yep, I'm a huge scaredy cat. guns or no guns). He will also pick up Cohen if I need him to, or come by if I need to go somewhere on a whim. Or watch the kiddos if Cody and I have to go to a meeting. He goes to ball games and dance recitals. He was even going to eat lunch with Cohen today had he gone to school for family/pizza lunch. Yesterday he became an honorary tooth fairy when he went out of his way to pick up a tooth pillow so the fairy could visit Cohen. Today he also went above and beyond. He came and got Sawyer as soon as Sawyer woke up this morning, so that Sawyer wouldn't be around the other two sick kiddos. When he got here, he put the car seat in his car before I could even open the door to say hi. he also got here at the exact time cohen was having his seizure. He was helping me try to help him, and when Cohen was done, he held him and carried him back to the couch so i could quickly change and get to the ER. He has had Sawyer all day and offered to keep him overnight, so I wouldn't have to take him over in the morning since he will be spending another day with uncle "nony.". He even skyped through out the day because he knew I would want to see Sawyer and maybe a little for confirmation that he was keeping him alive:) He is an amazing 25 year old (single too, ladies:). He will make a great father....one day. LOVE HIM.

My mom is off tomorrow, so I am sure she will go above and beyond as always, especially with making me yummy comfort foods, and holding my babies with such a selfless love. All of her help is a whole other entry in and of itself. And I have a now very wrinkly little girl, so I gotta get her out of the tub:) Please continue to pray. Thanks

UPDATE: After taking Cohen to the doctor, they informed us that Sawyer should be no where around him and said to keep Sawyer away until at least Sunday!! So my brother kept him all day Thursday, and friday-sunday (overnight). Isn't he just amazing?! Anthony...not just Sawyer:)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This post brought tears to my eyes. So wonderful, even in the face of sickness, stress and unknown. I am in awe...
