Tuesday, August 4, 2009

May-Lesson's Learned

May was also filled with many lessons learned. Some were hard and some were FUN:) Cohen learned to ride his bike with no training wheels. He all of a sudden at supper one night asked Cody to take them off and teach him how. You will see in the picture that once Cody said OK, there was no time to do anything but just that.

This is Cohen getting the "once these come off, they are staying off lecture." I can't wait for that lecture with his princess:)

They are getting started...probably should of done it on a night other than the night before Trash pick up..opps

We got this.

Cohen had to switch to a smaller bike b/c he couldn't reach the ground. He has since switched back to his big boy bike.

action shot

He was so excited and rode his bike for like three hours the following morning:) He never had a crash and picked the whole process up in about 10 minutes:) Lesson Learned.

Another father/son bonding experience-Gardening.
You should remember the plant story from back in March when they were all started, and as you can see, they are still alive in May:) The lesson learned here is that Patience is really a virtue and that it is a good thing we are able to go to the grocery store! Lesson Learned.

This is them with their peanut plant:) They both LOVE LOVE LOVE peanut butter.

Here is where a harder lesson was learned and by yep you guessed it, Miayla. One night she decided she didn't want to eat supper. She sat with her arms crossed at the table while we all enjoyed what I am sure was a delicious meal prepared by me. We assured her that she would not only not get dessert, but no snacks either. Little Miss Stubborn said "Fine, I no want any!" and excused herself from the table. The next morning she sure made up for it....and has ate her food every night since:)

This is the parfait I make for Cody every morning. It has yogurt, flaxseed, and strawberries. Mia has to be like her daddy, so she usually gets one too.

She usually just eats this....but not today....

We are going to have an apple too. Mia LOVES fruit. She could eat a pound of strawberries if you let her. She eats at least one apple a day too. (We are trying to talk our gardners into planting strawberries and an apple tree).

The only thing she loves more than fruit is BACON! It can be disturbing if you don't know her and her love for bacon and witness her eating it. Not gonna lie, I pray she doesn't order it on a first date. But she loves bacon and could eat a pound of it if you let her...but I won't b/c I do care about her arteries. She had a couple pieces of that too.....

And here we are. No parfait left, no bacon, and not much of her apple. Lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. How I love you and your precious family :) Thanks for the update!!!!
