I have enjoyed Harvest since he took me out for my very first one in 2003. I don't know what was funnier, his dads face when he saw me in my Abercrombie jeans (paid for them to look worn) and my American Eagle "Proud to Farm" white baby tee or Cody's reaction when I asked him to stop and not run over the baby rabbit running under the tractor.... either one, I will never forget my first time out.
Another thing about Harvest is the way this family does Harvest. I am all for kids growing up and leaving home to pursue their own dreams and lives, taking that leap away from their roots. But it says something about a family's character, when they all know when to come home and the role they play. This family works like a machine. It is like they can read each other's minds and know what to do next. Like they have performed the same operation over and over again that they know it like the back of their hand. With Cody and I setting up shop the furthest away, we don't get back as much as we would like, but when we are there, the experience still amazes me.
Here is a bit from Harvest 2009-Norwich, KS USA
*Cody's sister, Kristy, was not there this particular night so I don't have any photos of her and her kiddos, but they do exist and they harvest as well
*Cody's sister, Kristy, was not there this particular night so I don't have any photos of her and her kiddos, but they do exist and they harvest as well
The whole Ayres Famn Damily, yes it its a dirty job.
Four generations of Ayres'. Everett, Steve, Cody, and Cohen
Troy, Scott, Steve (cody's dad) and Everett (grandpa) with Cody James
Tara, Stacy, Louise (with baby Maddox), Armella (cody's momma), Everett and me...... We just make the whole thing look good:) hahaha
the kiddos and cody out cutting wheat
"okay, stop fooling around.."
what he can't see won't hurt him. This is just funny and completely a photo opp b/c 1.I am pregnant 2. I don't drink beer
Loved your post! Andy's family farms too and your description of harvest is just spot on. It's like a well-oiled machine and no matter how long you've been gone, when you come back, you know just what to do. Now, as for Cody's family. His grandpa doesn't happen to be the Everett Ayres that lives right beside the Ninnescah river does he? If so, Andy's family farms the land around his house! If that's the case, again, the world is getting smaller and smaller!