Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The little things

Wednesdays are my "domestic day". Well, more so than normal. The kiddos are either at school or Kids Day Out so I get the freedom to run in all sorts of directions running errands and getting in and out of stores QUICKLY:) It's my day to remind me that I am 100% a stay at home mom/ trophy wife:) Dinner was normal, no fun food: tater tot casserole, fruit salad in yogurt sauce, and french bread topped off with mini ice cream sandwiches. I say it is no fun, but really the kids scarf it down so it can't be that bad right? Then there was chaos, running, dance parties, buddy baths, bedtimes, and kisses. And now there is nothing but silence. As I sat down to breathe, I looked around and I noticed lots of little things. Normally I would make an extremely unpleasant why-can't-anyone-pick-up-their-stuff noise, but tonight I didn't. Because they are little reminders that even though it is quiet, they are still very much all around me. And all of these caused me to smile. This is what life is all about. I have the privilege of being surrounded by people that love me and a family that is fantastic. Sure, we have our flaws, but it's the imperfections that make it fun. My house will never be clean. I am over it. It will never be a perfect model home or one out of the pottery barn catalog. (although all those fun storage ideas would be AWESOME and if anyone wants to nominate me for a fun make-over, I'll gladly accept:). But it has the marks of a family, and for that I am grateful.

Miayla's guitar because she will be the next T-Swift.

Miayla's song that she wrote (all music notes with stick people) because she
will be the next T. Swift.

A finger puppet and a "school" puppet on the table.
I forgot to mention we also had a puppet show:)

Sawyer's binkie... they are everywhere:)

The kiddos getting tucked in by Cody. They love him

Miayla playing with her new pinwheel that Cody and her bought
on their "date" this past Sunday.

3/5 of my happiness:)

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