Wednesday, January 8, 2014

14 random things you may or may not know about me

14. I am obsessed with Target and have been "grounded" from it most of my adult life.  I can spend an absurd amount of money in there and find stuff I didn't even know they made let alone need.  One of my best friends actually got me a gift card there for Christmas with the message "for when you get a chance to get away and walk around target."  It's like my oasis.

13. My hair used to be spirally curly when I was younger.  When I became pregnant with Cohen I started to lose my curl and after he was born my hair was virtually straight.  They say that hormones are to blame.  The UPSIDE though is with each subsequent pregnancy, I regained some of my curl back, so 5 pregnancies later, it's curly again. yay me!

12. I have ran the New York City Marathon and the Walt Disney Half marathon.  I hope to run both again, especially NYC.  It's magical.

11. I have been going to Chiefs games since I was 5.  I have gone to at least one game every year for the last 25 years.  Many a memories have been made in section 129 row 32.  My dad actually taught me to drive going insanely fast down the turnpike, following a caravan of chief cars.  I used to also want to be a Chiefs cheerleader when I was little...either that or work at Dairy Queen ;) pretty glad neither of those panned out.

10. I HATE cats....with the passion of a thousand suns.  I am deathly allergic and fiercely scared.  They freak me out and people that take pictures of them on their counter in their kitchen...GROSS.  You can bet I will NOT be eating anything from your house. Dogs are cool though. :)

9. I have never been to Colorado and/or skiing. I keep hinting to Cody J that I would like to get away with him...apparently the hints have been to subtle... maybe I'll send him the link to this blog:)

8.  A year and a half ago, Cody and I went on a trip to California.  It was AUH-MAZING.  While there, we went to Crystal Cove Beach.  I LOVED it and decided that we will definitely be taking a family vacation there.  Morbidly though, if I were to ever find out I was dying (at a faster rate than I am), CC would be my place in the world to cherish the end.

7. I have read and do read with the kiddos daily.  This is nothing big with babies, BUT now that Cohen and Miayla are older, we read big books together, classics, every night, and I wouldn't trade these times for anything.  I enjoy reading, but like with most things with kiddos, watching them experience it is so much cooler.  Watching a story come to life and being with them on that journey is so fun. 

6.  When I learned to crawl, I crawled over to my sisters bed and stole her baby blanket, Blankie, and have slept with it every night since.  That's right folks, I am 30 years old and sleep with a blanket.  It is disgusting, barely any of the original of it still there, but it means soooo much to me.  Cody has accepted it, you should too.

5. I wish I was from the south.  I love everything southern, especially the style and accent.  I wouldn't mind moving to a big ole spread, with willow trees lining the drive, enjoying sweet tea on an enormous porch, watching the sun set on the pond.  Bless my heart for not being from the south :(

4. On the flip side of that, Cody and I own a decent chunk of land here, and for that I am grateful.  We have 270 acres out by his folks and 200 acres northwest of where we currently live, named Jester Creek.  Although I like the land by his family, I REALLY like Jester Creek.  It has a river that runs through it and a creek, and wooded areas, and big stones, and wheat and corn and is tucked away from the world.  It has become a great escape, I hope to escape their permanently one day.

3. I have three tattoos.  One is the typical, "I am in college" placed at the front on my lower hip.  I don't regret it, just wish it had a tad more meaning, but I do like it.  I also have the kids' names in Hebrew down my spine.  Well 4/5 of them ;) and then I have "Liebe" on my left wrist for Cody J.  It means "love" in German, since that is how he has come to say it to me.  Liebe my little German boy :)

2. I am completely fascinated with my faith.  I love Catholicism and it's history, universalism, and comfort.

1. Cody J and the kiddos are my everything.  I would die for them, die unto myself because of them, and would go to the ends of this earth to bring them happiness.  {that one you probably knew}

1 comment:

  1. Yay Jeny! Loving that you're back into blogging. So fun to read! :)
