On the evening of September 14th, we had a little "baby scare" and ended up at St. Joe's. I was having really bad contractions and pressure and actually have never felt more in labor than I did that night (could have something to do with the drugs I get once I get to the hospital:). To make a long story short, after multiple tests that night and through out the week, it appeared as though the baby could come at
ANY time. Not something you want when you are only 28 weeks along. After further testing and restricted bedrest, everything started to look better and had slowed down:) YAY. I am still on bedrest, but it is not restricted, which is great b/c it is pretty impossible to be on bedrest with two little ones. Please keep baby#3, me, and our family in your prayers. We will probably not make it to the due date of December 7th, but every day counts, and we hope for a healthy baby.
On a side note, we had more sonograms and the baby has a lot of hair.....a lot for 28 weeks, which only means there will probably be more when it makes it's entrance. The kiddos are both in unison now and want a little boy, however, I still feel it is a girl....we shall see, but hopefully not too soon. Thanks again for all the prayers!