Thursday, January 30, 2014

Taking names....

and you know the rest of the saying :)

For a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG time now, I have been going slightly crazy in our home. 

How in the world did we get so much stuff?! unnecessary stuff?? It's insane! And I have felt like I am drowning in it....And not just in the "stuff" but the feeling of not having time to deal with the "stuff".  I think the overwhelming feeling of not being able to get stuff done that you genuinely want to get done is a bummer.  I mean have you ever tried to deep clean with three little people following you all the time? One of them obsessed with licking things and putting them in her mouth and the others not allowing you to "rid" your life of any "stuff" because "I NEED IT".  It's impossible.

I know we are blessed to have the home we have.  Is it big, no.  Is it small, no.  Is it my dream home, no.  But I know there are many people in the world, with bigger families too, that would love a home, no matter the size.  So I have tried to keep that in perspective, along with the 2014 motto, and take a new cleaner approach to our life, home.  Simplify it, cozy it up, and then spend the rest of 2014 cherishing the moments made in it and breathing because I am not drowning in "stuff". 

I am half way through with the house, thanks to my AMAZING brother who has been watching the kiddos a few hrs a day so I can clean and organize.  Although I feel like a big loser even having to ask that of him, I am feeling substantially better daily and I think that counts for something, right?  He has only watched them for a few hours for 5 days now, but I still feel so guilty.  It probably doesn't equal two days that most kids are in "daycare", but for some reason it is weighing on me. I don't ever have anyone watch them for "me" time and we don't have a cleaning lady.  They are not in any kids day out program, so up until today when Sawyer started preschool again on Tues/Thurs mornings for 2.5 hrs, I am with them alllll the time.  Don't get me wrong, I love time with them, but it is unreal the amount of stuff I can get done when it is just me and some country music to clean to.  I am justifying it by knowing that this is just temporary and we will all be better for it in the end.  It helps that they LOVE LOVE LOVE going to see him, and since he spent a year in Spain teaching English, I feel like they are making up for lost time.  See, totally justified. (haha)

And because I can't JUST purge and organize, I have decided to redo a couple of the rooms in the house. Not complete redos, just a couple of pieces to refinish, wall hangings to switch out, rugs to buy. :)  I am getting stir crazy being in the same space for this long and since a new house isn't in the cards for a while, I am changing things up a tad here.  A Casa face lift you could dub it.

I am really excited about life right now on so many aspects!!  I love new beginnings and I feel like 2014 was just that for me, or maybe it was turning 30.  Who knows.  I feel like I am finally becoming "me".  Figuring out what I am about, and how I feel on so many issues. Its fun and interesting.   I am also slowly getting this whole mommy of 5 thing down.  Routines are getting easier, or adjusting to lack of routines is less chaotic I should say :) I CANNOT wait until summer is here and I have all the babies all the time with lots of fun to be had.  I used to hate summer, mostly because I am a cold weather fan, but I am counting the days to this summer.  Kids give me so much to look forward to, I love the world through them.  The last few Sundays in Mass, I have almost been brought to tears by various things that I see at Mass, or just realize during Mass.  It is such a peaceful feeling and God is so great, and I am eternally blessed. 

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