Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The trip of a tooth fairy!

On Cohen's most perfect day, Saturday January 29th, he lost his first tooth...naturally:) It is hard to tell that it is even missing because another tooth was already coming in at the time, but sure enough, it finally happened! Cohen pulled it himself and COULD NOT believe that it not only did not hurt, but that there was not one drop of blood. He didn't even realize he had done it until Cody showed him the actual tooth. Cohen was soooo excited needless to say!
The hole....kind of (bottom from right)
Cohen's tiny tiny tooth!

What do you do when you lose your first tooth? SHOW EVERYONE!!
He was so excited that he DID NOT want the tooth fairy to come. He wanted to show his classmates, and get a tooth necklace from Mrs. Eads like everyone else, so........

he wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy...
that is also the sticker he was holding out for (yes, I did not take a picture of this the day of (previous sticker placement, I'm a slacker, sometimes;)
So on Monday morning he took his tooth to school. And he got his sticker, and his necklace, and the joy of showing everyone his tooth. However, he also thought that Monday may be a snow day, hoped at least, so that is why he wrote the tooth fairy to wait until Tuesday night! He wanted plenty of time to have time to show everyone. Well, he got that wish on Tuesday. No school, lots of snow, lots of wind, lots of a momma and daddy that were not crazy about getting out and sadly also a tooth fairy that was "unable to fly in inclement weather." Miayla was quite concerned about her wings and didn't want anything to happen to the TF before she lost any teeth, so turns out the tooth fairy and Cohen would have to wait one more night. Which all worked out great, because word in fairyland was that the tooth fairy was not as prepared as she had hoped (even though she probably read my blog post about it a week a head of time and knew the inevitable was coming. I guess sometimes the tooth fairy is a slacker too, sometimes;). So here we are Wednesday night, and Cohen is ready with his tooth. He moved it about 17 times until he found the ideal location:)

Hanging from his top bunk, in his beloved tooth necklace:)
And he awoke to
A wait well worth it.
NOTE: $5 you say?! I know right, a bit much. MR. TOOTH FAIRY thought that it was only appropriate seeing as to how it took this long to not only lose the tooth, but also get money for it. After Mrs. tooth fairy informed him of how many teeth kiddos have AND how many kiddos OUR family has, the tooth fairy will be quite busy! Maybe MR. TF will even need to get a second job:)
Guess only time will tell!
Cohen LOVES his pillow! He usually tells people about the "bag" before he tells them about the $5! He puts his chapstick in it every night before bed, and he even took it to school today to show everyone! (and no, they do not have show and tell).
LOVE the pillow as much as Cohen and me? I heard that kind fairies at
http://www.mylittlebeanboutique.com/ make them for tooth fairies!!

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