Saturday, February 12, 2011

My month with Ree- Day 3

Comfort food=Bread. I love bread. I crave bread all the time! The way to my heart is through bread:) I can go to Sam's (Cosco) and buy a platter of rolls and eat them all by myself...within a short amount of time. We have bread with every meal. Usually it is hot bread. Usually it is homemade. And I usually have it with butter and honey spread on it. Just blogging about it is driving me crazy, lol. Rolls, loaves, biscuits--if it rises, I eat it. Now intensify that by a trillion, and that is how I feel about bread while PREGNANT;) A few months ago Cody noticed the huge increase in bread products (we had homemade beer bread, white bread, drop biscuits, and cinnamon rolls (Ree's) in less than a 24 hour period) and commented on how much he enjoys my pregnant bread craving phase. He followed up with how much his waistline doesn't enjoy it, but by the fourth pregnancy he has learned that how he feels about food just simply doesn't matter;)

So for my 3rd day, I made "homemade cinnamon bread". This, like so many other Ree recipes, was incredibly easy. The kiddos helped make it (they love to cook with me, Miayla even wants to be a chef when she grows up--well this week atleast) and it made the house smell divine! This is also where I wish I had blogged about it the day of because now I can't remember anything about the process except for the fact that I literally watched it rise because I was so excited. I have tried other Ree bread recipes, so I knew my waiting would be worth it. And it was! So good. In fact, I think I may even make it tomorrow.
Hot out of the oven--Cohen was so proud!
Ree said to let it cool, then store it in a Ziploc bag until you were ready to eat it....That did so not happen. I cut it, about 3.7 minutes after it came out of the oven. Burnt my hand, swore, put butter on it, and chowed down. Then I did it all again. Then I put it on the table to serve to the family with dinner. They loved it too. There was some left over, which we ate the next morning, toasted with butter. Delicious.

Homemade Cinnamon Bread
Grade- A++

Now I am going on a bread hunt:)

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