Friday, January 28, 2011

So I really don't want to clean.....

..... so I decided to blog:) My list of stuff to do today is way long, but after a morning of running around, coming off of a night of terrible sleep, I am not getting too far:( I decided to do a little "week of our life" in pictures for you. After a week of croup, strep, double ear infections, sinus infections, and now viral pneumonia.... I am a bit tired. The high light of the week was "date night", but I will blog about that later...too many words involved:) Until then, enjoy the pics!

Cohen peeling potatoes:) he loves to peel potatoes, not for sure why, but he always asks to do it. The funny story that goes with this is that Cohen had gone to school half day last Friday with a Migraine and had only wore his uniform 2.5 hours. I made him take his school shirt off to help and when Miayla came out of her room, she goes "why is Cohen like Jacob?" (from twilight), Cohen's response, "Im not like Jacob, I'm not brown yet." It was pretty funny! For my mom who is freaking out bc Cohen has a peeler, don't worry, he was careful.
This is what happens when you ask Cody to put the clothes from the washer into the dryer...

you get kids' in dryers and then lectures about NEVER playing in dryers:)
And then they had a dance party! Cody loves to dance with them and we have dance parties, at least 3 times a week...usually more.
Apparently Cody thinks he is #1....I kind of agree:)

Sawyer again in his favorite spot!

So do you remember the WSU game last Saturday night.... the one that went into TRIPLE OVERTIME???!!! Well, this is how Cody got to watch it! Him and Cohen were on the floor, telling everyone to be quiet when low and behold, Sawyer crashed their party and sat on Cody's head:) I LOVED IT!
He is just so cute, how can you be mad?! Cohen was pretty excited about the whole thing bc initially we told him he could stay up for the end of the game.....an HOUR later the little turkey went to bed!
Sawyer was still sick all week, he is the one with what I thought were two ear infections and then found out earlier this morning that he also has viral pneumonia, and he was CRANKY on Monday....so we did what he loves to do--UNLOAD THE DISHWASHER. I swear he has a little radar on him that lets him know when I am trying to load or unload the dishwasher, because the little fell is ALWAYS there. Out of nowhere, then WHAM, SAWYER! Anyway, usually the process involves a bunch of "nos" and "stops" but this time, I actually did it just for him.

he really only cares about the silverware....

and he was happy!

Cohen has is currently the only one in his class that has never lost a tooth.....NATURALLY. When he was 23 months old, he slipped at the pool and shattered his front tooth and they had to extract it. I was 8 months pregnant, Cohen cried, Cody cried... it was tragic. He does currently have a loose tooth and a tooth that is coming in behind it. It is really loose. REALLY. So Cody decided to pull it.....

......Except he didn't! A little tug too hard and Cohen started crying and then Cody started to cry and then I was reminded of the first tooth all over again. And what do you know? I am pregnant again! haha.

SO since we weren't getting rid of any teeth, we decided to clean the ones we had. They usually all fight over the sink, but for some reason this night, there was party there. Cody decided to capture it:)

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth.....

and yes, I hold Sawyer's head like that...he likes to move.... a lot

And what would a week be without a Princess dancing?? Miayla got new legwarmers and a new dance bag...she was so excited. And I was so happy that the weather was decent enough for her to wear them:)
She thinks she is Strawberry Shortcake:)
She wanted me to take a picture of her new bag and the "sparkles" on the back of the warmers:)

1 comment:

  1. I used to hold Carter's head the exact same way!! He's finally not such a wiggle worm but I was cracking up when I saw your hand on his forehead!!
