Saturday, February 26, 2011

Family Night

Last Sunday night we had "family night". Cody and I decided to watch a movie with the kiddos (we let them stay up late (9p.m.) since they didn't have school the next day) and we ordered pizza (we usually make our own). It was quite funny because Cody and I had already picked out a kids movie and then Cohen came into the conversation when we were talking about dinner. I was asking Cody what he wanted to eat and Cohen answered "pizza from the pizza man." I looked at Cody and he looked at me and then Cody looked at Cohen and Cohen smiled. Then Cohen suggested maybe we could watch a movie too. I looked at Cody, Cody looked at me, Cody looked at Cohen and then Cohen smiled. Then He ran to Miayla and was like "whoa Mia, I just asked for pizza and they said yes. Then I asked for a movie and they said yes." Then she ran to us and asked if we could have a picnic and we said yes. They were both so excited and we loved that they thought it was all their idea:)

Align Center This is as close as Sawyer gets to a picnic...his chair got moved to the living room.
And yes, he only has a diaper and shirt on...he sweats a lot.

Cohen and Miayla at their picnic
I had to take another picture of Sawyer because he is just so darn cute and he was concentrating so hard on getting the meat on his fork. I think I watched him more than the movie.

I took a picture of him too because he is so darn cute as well and I am pretty sure I have spent whole movies staring at him too:)

1 comment:

  1. This is a White house family fave and happens at least once a week - we LOVE picnics and pizza from the pizza man. Like you we usually make our own or eat something else as our picnic. We also drag the high chair into the living room but Mattie has graduated and is allowed to sit on the floor now! Love this! And - I love how much and how loudly you love your husband. You are such a great example.
