Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Time is flying by!

So once again, it has been FOREVER since I have blogged, whoops. At the end of the day I am just too exhausted and rarely make it down to the computer. HOWEVER, there is hope. I put it on my priority list so now it is next to food, which if you have seen me lately, would know that is up at the top:) For a quick update on our lives, (some WILL be blogged about later), Cohen turned 5 and Miayla is 3 and we are over 5 months pregnant:) The biggest tasks right now are getting Cohen ready for Kindergarden (he starts August 18th at Resurrection Catholic School), and getting Miss Miayla an attitude adjustment, hahaha. The kiddos were surprised with bunkbeds last week by their daddy and papa (my dad) so life has been spent mostly on top bunk. Cohen says the view is better up there:) The kiddos are our pride and joy and at the end of a long and hot day (I hate hot weather--unless accompanied by sand and tequila) really get you through it. They have so much joy in their hearts that you can't help but smile.

Cody is still Cody:) Not much new with him when you consider all the other major changes with everyone else. Works all the time and tries to keep up with us the rest of the time. He is in the process of building a deer stand...for me. Not 100% for sure why this is happening b/c 1. the baby is due at the opening of deer season so nobody may be hunting 2. I have never even shot a gun so the fact I now have a shelter so I can go and do just that is odd.

I am doing ok. I am ecstatic to be having another child. We have prayed for this one for a long time so the blessing of it was truly amazing. We are not or did not find out what the sex of the baby is. We never found out with the other ones and there is no greater a surprise when that first breath of life is breathed and you really do not care if it is a boy or a girl, just that it is yours and you created it. We do have a sonogram pic of the baby's gender that the tech put covered in an envelope so we could keep it for the babybook, but that envelope is now out of our possession so there is no way of knowing. This pregnancy has been much more difficult than the previous two so that makes life a little difficult at times. I am a VERY hands on mommy, so having to slow down with the kiddos has been hard on all of us. I am hopeful that the nausea and extreme fatigue will end soon...i know it will in 4 months for sure, well the nausea, the fatigue will not even compare:)

There is so much more to blog about but once again, I am out of time. I WILL try to add fun updates soon with lots of pictures (I got a new camera:) ).

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